Wednesday, October 17, 2007

भगवान् ज़्यादा हैं !!

हर इक को गुमान है यह अफ़ज़ल है वही सबसे इंसानों की दुनिया में भगवान् ज़्यादा हैं !!
कैसे हो शफा हासिल अब पा के दवा रोशन बीमार तो हम कम हैं लुकमान ज्यादा हैं !!

Two simple lines but seems like complete world revolves around these two lines. Dont know why this thought doesnt come up quite often, what makes me feel myself better than others ? Not clearly visible but the inner self knows there's lot more to do before you take rest and label yourself as "Innocent".
Every day, something or the other happens that reminds me "you need to improve" on this front as well. Be it patience, sincerity, tolerance, forgiveness, thankfulness, motivation etc : things can still be better.

Often I feel I dont listen. Listening too is a part of Gyan.

Be wrong but the other person has a right to speak what ever he wishes. Seriously Babaji, Thanks a ton to you. Your patience, listening abilities... and then forgiveness brings me here, else dont know where I would have been. As a child of yours, I need to develop skills to accept others, no matter where they stand.

kuch kariye,kuch kariye,kuch kariye, buss buss bada bole…ab kuch kariye !!

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