Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Last Sunday we were traveling back to the town when I recalled of this particular incident. Since this incident and the one on Sunday were alike, therefore I feel like calling them as PART 1 & PART 2.

SHADES PART 1 - Some 5-6 years ago I was posted in Bangalore. I and a colleague used to sit on the top floor of the building where our desk faced a window which in turn faced the Sun. The window had no curtains, no blinds; sun’s glare would directly fall on our eyes. Working on Mainframes systems; we found it difficult to read the characters on the monitor. We were so uncomfortable with the working conditions that we had raised multiple requests with the Facilities. May be it was the traffic Facilities had, that they couldn’t respond to our requests. The requests were pending for weeks with them.
One Wednesday afternoon it clicked to me that I could visit stationary and get a wall Calendar which could be used temporarily to cover the window glass. This would give some relief at least. I made it a point to collect calendar same day after the lunch. But somehow I forgot. As soon as I reached desk, I remembered that I had forgotten to go to stationary. I would do it tomorrow with that remark I left it for the next day. Height of my laziness!
Next day, same thing happened.
On Friday afternoon, fortunately I remembered the task. I took one calendar, cello tape, and scissors from the stationary. Patting my own back, I reached the desk. After all now I will be relieved of the burning sun! I noticed my neighbor wasn’t at her desk, thought of quickly finishing the task so that it would less inconvenience to her. I opened the calendar but another thought disturbed me, “Waah Sunil babu  brought calendar just for your own self. Won’t she be feeling the same? You should have brought another calendar for her.” Somehow I tried to convince myself that I would bring her another calendar next time I go to the ground floor where stationary was. But my conscience didn’t allow me to put the calendar in front of my desk. So to be at ease, I pasted the calendar in front of her desk.
And for self I thought I would do it next time when I go downstairs. She came back after lunch, surprised to see the shade on her desk! She asked me how come this calendar was there. I mentioned to her that I thought of this as a temporary solution. She thanked me for being considerate. I acknowledged her thanks with smile but inside thinking why on earth did God gave this thought of exchanging desks for this calendar? I was happy that she was in shade but unhappy for self. I was so lazy that I didn’t want to go back to the stationary again. Height of my laziness! that point! I now think it was so stupid of me to question God at that point. I asked God that we hear that God acknowledges even a smallest of act, be it in a corner. Let me see how you acknowledge my act of kindness to this lady. It wasn’t that this question was disturbing me but as if I wanted to play with God. I asked Him show me how you would acknowledge this!
In moments, I got back to my routine. I totally forgot about the calendar, window, neighbor etc. Now focus was on the work, although in between I kept looking at my watch to leave on time from the office. I noticed that weather had become pleasant. Clouds covered the sun; therefore it became easier for me to work. I finished work earlier and went back to home. Enjoyed the weekend as I would.
On Monday when I came back I was astonished to see that there was no calendar on neighbor’s desk. More astonished to see that the windows now had blinds. Oh my God is this how you acknowledge that small act! I wondered how come those pending requests with Facilities were now acknowledged out of the blue moon…I had just questioned God on Friday and on Monday I saw the answer! Oh my God…I was so thrilled to see how God had acknowledged my stupid question. But why did you not acknowledge on Friday itself? (My stupidity continued). Less than a second…I realized God had already acknowledged my request on Friday but I had missed to realize it on the same day. The weather which was so sunny for all past days had changed all of a sudden on Friday afternoon. There were no rains that day but I recalled that not even for a second did clouds again uncovered the Sun. While I had hoped that calendar would provide shade to my colleague from Sun, but in turn God provided me (and others) with a natural shade.
I apologetically thanked God for this wonderful realization! It could have been just some sequence of events for others, but for me it was a direct communication that I was having with the creator. I was sorry for what I had asked, but thankful that He proved Himself to be correct. He would even involve nature, if need be to answer his servants call. The only pre-requisite is that the servant should be willing to listen!
Had He not acknowledged that day in the way He did, His status would not have reduced. Neither would He have failed in any test….but by doing so, He has given me an example to share of His Kindness which knows no boundaries.