Saturday, January 22, 2011

Handle with care!

Finished watching some documentary about how children were being trained at some religious organisational centre to grow up as a religious political figure or something like this - Its all confusing for me! Really felt sorry for the children. These young minds are so delicate, why couldn't people understand there's love which is more important than any religious ritualistic practice, if you want to train children, train them to be better humans - one who can love, tolerate, forgive, etc etc.
Its sad feeling to see how we as human race do so much harm to our future generations, its not only wrong understanding of religion, somewhere physical abuse, somewhere mental abuse, somewhere sexual abuse...we just leave children to struggle and live their future lives in situations which no one would understand, neither would they themselves understand.
People think of death as a pain, they dont understand how much pain they have caused by leaving such impressions on these young minds.

God bless! Bless us to be compassionate human race, be responsible human beings, bless these children who struggle in their minds somewhere, somewhere hidden in their rooms, who need your presence! Like our soul sees the unseen supersoul, wish our minds could also read the unwritten tags on these young minds, "Handle with care". God bless!

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