Monday, April 11, 2011

Experiences still purifying!

If I admit, I would have to say it all started with 'Purifying Experiences'. This wonderful collection of experiences of Prof Puri comes in mind often. Like others, I too had gone back to thank Puri Sahib after reading this book. A truly 'Simple' book - simple language & simple day to day experiences, but there was also something 'Special' about it. Spiritually it inspired, at the same time motivated - to see what power words could have to transform an individual. I had witnessed it on me and so was inspired to pass on. Aaawh - pass on! Young over confident years - without realizing that I have neither comparable set of experiences nor any literary skills, I still wanted to write and share. Well not to blame fully the over confidence, I did pick up this hobby of writing which I started to enjoy and hopefully still do.

Well I didn't start to write about my hobby, but about Prof Puri. Many including me have been inspired by his spiritual talks - many know. However for me, he also became an inspiration to write. I perhaps did pick up, some sort of hobby from his book but still haven't picked up the approach & wisdom what he lived and inspired. One such attributes of his profile was humility. One of the emails I exchanged with Puri Sahib re-iterated his humble self when I asked permission to use his writings -

My dear Respected Sunil Ji,

Dhan Nirankar Ji. Anything that enhances the cause of the Mission does not need any permission. You may feel free to use the material anyway you like or deem fit. Thanks to Birmingham Saints too to keep this humble self in their memory.
My only anxiety is who would care for these worthless rubbish scattered thoughts. I am not at all a writer.

With deep regards,

Das Puri

I can't recall what I had sent him back on this email but surely want to say that this email often comes as a sweet yet strong reminder that I stand no where. It was definitely shocking to see how one who had inspired people to write, was so carefree & selfless of his 'own' writing skills. People like me who often write page or two fall into trap of identifying themselves as writers, but yet who have written on hearts of thousands proclaim, "I am not at all a writer."

Puri Sahib, Sach mein kamaal ho gaya!

Power of ONE.

Yesterday was talking to few saints who have shaped me during my stay in Bangalore and are doing the same even now, in one or the other form. I was again on memory lane to remind myself of learnings that I have picked while on Bangalore Platform. One such memory apartment that I opened door of was of last few days in a familiar town. As time for my exit neared, the fear of not then familiar gripped - New town, new people, new work atmosphere, new friends, "new" sangat, new efforts to form another comfort zone. While there was a desire for change, but welcoming the change was becoming bit tough.

On one shiny night, occupied with same thoughts I was standing outside trying to connect myself with the creator. Kept gazing at sky with appreciation - the beauty of tinkling stars, wonderful moon, how creator has brought creation into existence, despite lands spread on planet earth how moon shines across places, while earth is so big same sky surrounds everywhere, in UK too this sky would look same, often moon will look such beautiful....hang on! same sky, same moon, same sun...same creation despite different nations, wont creator be same too? lands may be different, cultures may be different, people outwardly might look different, but we all share same earth, so is creator - so why are you worrying? Just a matter of analysis, and I was motivated enough without any fear to look forward to change, change became pleasant, not familiar seemed familiar, new was comforting as old - all because of One creator!

A simple revelation that happened at time when it was needed most. Although had heard about Oneness of creator from so young age, but at that time was able to relate it to more closely. Often one does get to hear One God, One Allah, One Energy etc etc but realizing it is a different experience. If you have realized it, it works wonders even in such minute day to day walks. Rightly do they say - Power of ONE.