Thursday, February 12, 2009

Meet John, The Taylor.

John , whom I address as 'Darzi' because his surname happens to be Taylor, is an extra-ordinary colleague. Of all the people I work with, he stands apart. Not because he and I are great friends but because I have failed to understand our relationship which has sometimes been with smiles and sometimes with plain expressions.

Anyways, I am not to comment on relationships or anything else but to thank Almighty for reminding me to continue living stampless. Once in a while, the white board near my desk carries the learnings that I have heard in Sangat. John and I had been struggling today to solve PODCS issues and amidst our conversation he asked pointing towards my white board, ' Sunil, from where do you bring these thoughts?' and I was ' I do attend some spiritual meetings and there I hear these teachings '. John seemed little surprised and then he asked me - 'So you are religious'. As soon as I heard him say that I said -' No, I am spiritual'. I couldnt believe my ears when he gave another plain face and said, " What's the difference !!!! "

For the first time in my life, I had heard spirituality and religion were different. This was when I had landed in UK. People are sensitive towards this topic I was told. However for me, religion has always been a uniting factor, and thats what I understand by Spirituality. Waking at this time, eating this, sleeping in this direction etc cannot change my inner self but thats what people around seem to understand from Religion. However, irony with me was that I too picked up this word 'Spiritual'. Not because I started differentiating between these two words but because I didnt want to hurt anyone's feelings. By God's grace I am happy even if some one says I am religion-less person or not a spiritual guy or anything.. And again His grace that His and mine relation is above any definitions or words. Call it spirituality, religion or nothing - He is what He is and I am what He has made me.

Perhaps it was the same concern for the sensitivity of local souls that I had said 'I am spiritual'. But again a hammer striked on mind when John commented , 'whats the difference !!!' Ofcourse, there's no difference. and even if it is, its NMD ( as John says - Not My Department ).

John you really are Darzi, who is stitching two torn pieces of spiritual world and religious world.

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